♥Krmení koní♥
Váš kůň nebo pony, kterého vlastníte nebo se o něj staráte, potřebuje každý den přísun energie v podobě krmení.Ustájení koně a ponyové potřebují krmení alespoň 3x denně. Největší dávku by měli dostávat jako poslední. Koně mají rádi pravidelnost, proto se snažte svého koně či ponyho krmit pokaždé přibližně ve stejný čas. Samozřejmě každý kůň a pony má rád nějaké jiné krmení, proto vám nemůžu napsat, že zrovna nějaký druh krmení všem koním chutná. Prostě každý kůň nebo pony má jiný jazýček a potrpí si na jiné krmení.
-Koně potřebují asi 1 - 1,1 kg potravy na 45 kg váhy, zatímco ponyové jen asi 0,6 - 1 kg na 45 kg váhy.
-Pro většinu ponyů by poměr krmiva měl tvořit 30% koncentrovaného a 70% objemového krmiva.
-Koně krmte v menších dávkách a častěji. Kůň potom nebude tloustnout, ale vyběhá to.
-Nemůžete po čerstvě nakrmeném koni chtít nějakou těžkou práci. Měli byste ho nechat asi dvě hodiny vytrávit, potom ho můžete bez obav vzít ven.
-Také nesmíte zapomínat na pitný režim. Musíte koni a ponymu zajistit neustálý přísun pitné vody.
-Nenechávejte koně nebo ponyho více než 8 hodin bez krmiva.
Běžnou formu objemného krmení je seno, což je usušená tráva. Existují dva druhy sena: seté seno a luční seno.
Seté seno je vhodné pro těžce pracující koně, protože je výživnější než luční seno. Vzniká sušením trav speciálně vysévaných každý rok, které obsahují rostliny jako je jílek vytrvalý a bojínek luční.
Luční seno se vyrábí z běžného porostu pastvin a je na dotek měkčí a zelenější než seno seté. Obsahuje rostliny různorodé a většinou méně výživné. Toto seno je vhodné pro koně, které vykonávají lehčí práci.
Novější typ objemového krmiva je ve formě silážního sena, což je seno neprodyšně uzavřené v plastikových pytlích. Hodí se zvláště pro koně s dýchacími problémy.
Silážní seno se může míchat se senem normálním, nebo zcela nahradit objemové krmivo.
Řezanka je seno buďto samotné, nebo smíchané s 1/3 ovesné slámy a rozřezané na malé kousky pomocí řezačky. Přidává se do krmení, aby se podpořilo žvýkání, a tím i trávení.
Krmiva jako oves nebo ječmen se nazývají koncentráty. Jsou to energeticky bohatá krmiva.
Oves byl vždy považován za ideální obilninu pro koně. Jediná nevýhoda ovsa je nízký poměr mezi obsahem vápníku a fosforu, a proto musí být krmivo doplněno vápníkem, aby se vyvážil obsah minerálů. Oves je však také velmi energetický. Oves byste měli nejdříve mírně namačkat a pak během dvou tří týdnů spotřebovat.
Ječmen má vyšší energetickou hodnotu než oves, ale menší obsah vlákniny. Podává se mačkaný, ve formě vloček (tepelně upravený) nebo rozemletý na malé částečky (šrot). Celý ječmen byste neměli podávat, protože v tomto stavu je pro koně velmi špatně stravitelný. Měli byste ječmen namočit do horké vody, dokud zrno nerozpukne, nezměkne a nenabobtná.
Kukuřice má vysoký obsah škrobu, ale nízký obsah bílkovin a vlákniny. Většinou se podává ve formě vloček nebo drobných částic. Může být velmi výživná a krmí se jen v malých dávkách.
Otruby, vedlejší produkt při zpracování pšenice, obsahuje velké množství vlákniny a často se podává koním, kteří drží dietu s nízkým obsahem bílkovin nebo nepracují.
Lněné semínko je bohaté na tuky a často se podává ke zlepšení kvality srsti. Jestliže ho nejprve neuvaříme, je jedovaté (obsahuje kyselinu kyanovodíkovou). Přidává se v podobě rosolu do běžného krmiva nebo otrubové kaše.
Cukrová řepa je dobře stravitelný zdroj energie a vlákniny. Má vhodný poměr mezi vápníkem a fosforem a používá se ke zlepšení nerovnováhy těchto prvků v obilninách. Dřeň cukrové řepy se prodává v kostkách nebo nakrouhaná. Před krmením jí musíte namočit na 12 hodin do vody. Pokud dřeň namočíte nedostatečně, v koňském žaludku nabobtná s možnými fatálními důsledku.
Melasa je vedlejší produkt při výrobě cukru. Je tmavá a lepkavá a velmi chutná. Do krmení se přidává pro zvýšení energetické hodnoty, zlepšení kvality krmiva nebo k nalákání špatného jedlíka.
Koncentráty, které se dodávají po kostkách nebo hrubé směsi, jsou známy jako složené krmiva. Připravují se z celé řady součástí a představují vědecky podloženou vyváženou stravu. Jsou dodávány zvláště pro hříbata, březí klisny a závodní koně. Zvláště se hodí pro začátečníky, protože kvalitní složená krmiva usnadňují z velké části starosti s krmením.
Granule jsou drobné tabletky sušeného krmiva. Poskytují dostatek minerálů a vitamínů, které často v obilninách a píci chybějí.
Hrubá směs obsahuje obilniny a granule se směsí vitamínů a minerálů. Obilniny jsou předvařené, což je činí stravitelnějšími.
Vitamíny a minerály jsou nezbytné pro růst a zdravý vývoj koně. Některé z nich zajišťují kvalitní pastva a sluneční světlo, jiné si tělo samo vytváří.
Líz, zavěšený na stěně stáje, poskytuje některé vitamíny a minerály, které v koňské potravě scházejí.
Přehled komentářů
Mommy moved out and daddy kept drinking. It was my two days before my 13th birthday. I was in my room sucking on my boyfriends cock trying to take it as deep as I could choking when I got to his balls. Apparently my sister came in because she thought I was dying to how long Id been chocking. Its not my fault my boyfriend is turned on by a girl chocking on his dick. But before I could stop my sister my bf shocked me by coming in my mouth and I was distracted trying to swallow it all that she got away
Bryan couldent beleive the sight infront of him. A naked teenaged girl standing right infront of him. She was the perfect girl for him. Tight ass, perfect curves, small breasts and beautifle eyes. Well? d...do i look good...? Maddy asked as she stepped towards him. Your.... amazing..! he said backing up somewhat, falling over on his back as she came closer, now climbing onto him. Good... she said smiling softly before she kissed him deeply, breasts resting on his chest and arms on both sides of Bryan. Her left hand slowly slid up his leg to his shirt pulling away for a moment and slipping it off. uhh- He started to protest, but as soon as he started, Maddy went to his pants and took them off now sliding a hand over his cock, making it stand up slowly, but surely. Dont worry. Ill take care of you she said, staring into his eyes before kissing him once again. Her hand slid up and down his cock, allowing a long moan to erupt from Bryan, who now gripped the mattress tightly. Mmm, damnit...
‘Hey bro whats up? My buddy Jake had just texted me. It was Friday night and I was just sitting at home playing Call of Duty. What else would you expect from a College student that didnt have a girlfriend nor was looking for one. I had just gotten out of a bad relationship that lasted two years to long.
‘Playing Cod. You? I replied back as I resumed my termination of the terrible player of Call of Duty. Buzz buzz buzz, I answered the phone.
‘Hey Dick head, whats going on? I said to my buddy.
Much Older Boyfriend
(MorGolIn1212, 24. 8. 2021 14:13)
I enjoy having sex and have considered myself as a sex addict. During my marriage, I was not happy sexual and I was married for ten years.I cheated through out my marriage where I dated married guys who are closer to my age. I was satisfied outside our bedroom and I needed to spice and spruce up my sex life. When my divorce was final, my health turn for the worst. Mine you, I am not a barbie doll, I consider myself a well arounded person at 5 ft, 200+ and I don't really care what others might think due to my shape, but I got a body that does not stop. 56I, 48, 46. My nipples with medium milk...
How her body pleasured us and how we pleasured her. Scott and I had decided to take the boat out for a couple of days, and enjoy the peace and solitude offered by the local waterways and its myriad of beaches.It was only at the last minute that my girlfriend Sarah decided she could join us, successfully getting time off work by swapping her shift with another workmate.It was not a large boat but had comfortable overnight accommodation and a well laid out galley and dinette.Sarah and I quite often use the boat, fishing and swimming and just laying in the sun during the summer months.We...
You picked me up in your truck and drove me to your rental. The renters had moved out and you had some fixing up to do before the new ones move in. I had no idea what you had in mind so I did as I was told....thinking I should definitely dress as a hot construction girl. I wore my skinny jeans with the holes in the knees and a soft thin T-shirt that you could see my nipples poking through. I even had my own little leather tool belt. When we got there to my disappointment you actually did put me to work. We fixed things around the house. Every once in a while you would undress me with your...
Much Older Boyfriend
(MorGolIn1212, 24. 8. 2021 13:48)
I enjoy having sex and have considered myself as a sex addict. During my marriage, I was not happy sexual and I was married for ten years.I cheated through out my marriage where I dated married guys who are closer to my age. I was satisfied outside our bedroom and I needed to spice and spruce up my sex life. When my divorce was final, my health turn for the worst. Mine you, I am not a barbie doll, I consider myself a well arounded person at 5 ft, 200+ and I don't really care what others might think due to my shape, but I got a body that does not stop. 56I, 48, 46. My nipples with medium milk...
How her body pleasured us and how we pleasured her. Scott and I had decided to take the boat out for a couple of days, and enjoy the peace and solitude offered by the local waterways and its myriad of beaches.It was only at the last minute that my girlfriend Sarah decided she could join us, successfully getting time off work by swapping her shift with another workmate.It was not a large boat but had comfortable overnight accommodation and a well laid out galley and dinette.Sarah and I quite often use the boat, fishing and swimming and just laying in the sun during the summer months.We...
You picked me up in your truck and drove me to your rental. The renters had moved out and you had some fixing up to do before the new ones move in. I had no idea what you had in mind so I did as I was told....thinking I should definitely dress as a hot construction girl. I wore my skinny jeans with the holes in the knees and a soft thin T-shirt that you could see my nipples poking through. I even had my own little leather tool belt. When we got there to my disappointment you actually did put me to work. We fixed things around the house. Every once in a while you would undress me with your...
плохая вентиляция в новой квартире
(Robertmof, 24. 8. 2021 13:41)
Привет полезный строительный портал
An Unprofessional Massage
(Lenusjka3639164, 24. 8. 2021 13:19)
She left her school books at the bottom. She couldn’t carry them with the crutches. Walking with half a leg in a cast was hard enough. This is what I get for getting playing soccer on a frozen lake.Her parents had been worried and pissed. She was 18 years old and she had broken her leg in her first year of college.“You’re not a kid anymore,” her mother had said. “Please at least act like an adult.”Her parents forced her to move back home, away from the dormitory. They were afraid of hurting herself or falling and no one being around to help. It was her second day at home and she was...
Simon’s parents are in Paris, his sisters at his grandmums.Mum and Dad are in Barbados. They called three weeks ago with a lame excuse about not being able to have me home—so we manufactured the whole thing.You said Barry next door always spends his weekends at his girlfriends, so we figured . . . what a great time for a romp.”Romp.Little did I know how much we would romp. “I hope you told Simon the rule.Work first, play later.”“Yes, of course.I kind of thought about skipping it, but then Mum is paying for Wendesday.” Roddy pulled his book out of his duffle and sat on the bed, as I...
We recently moved in together in a small but cozy 1 bedroom apartment close to the city. Shelby loved being in the city surrounded by people, while I enjoyed my solitude so we settled on the apartment not too far from the city but close enough to make her happy. I've been at my new job for about 4 months and have dedicated a lot of my time to my work, making our sex life bland. Shelby would never tell me but I could tell she desired something new. One day I was talking to my friend, Ethan, about my sex life with Shelby. Ethan understood my struggle having been with his girlfriend for 5...
Down Mexico Way
(GrimReap6931351, 24. 8. 2021 12:52)
I told her to take it or leave it. She took it.I look after myself on the weekends. I cross the border into the U.S. to do my banking and collect my mail from my post office box. On the Mexican side I do most of my shopping and socialize. Guadalupe showed up for work the following Monday. She was quiet again but I don't think she was giving me the silent treatment this time. I didn't worry about it and didn't try to talk to her either. After lunch, I could tell she wanted to talk again but it was up to her to break the silence."Do you want to do anything?""You mean like last Friday...
She wasn’t uptight now.Suddenly, Kathy let go of his penis and stood up saying “You know, I’m getting awfully horny down here. You don’t mind if I get undressed do you?” Without waiting for an answer, she unhooked the dress straps from her shoulders and peeled the garment down her body until it hit the floor. She was now only wearing a bra and panties, her cantaloupe sized breasts seemingly threatening to pop out the top of her bra. She leaned forward, showing her ample cleavage to Jack, who found himself unable to pry his eyes away.At work, Kathy had never worn anything even the least...
They all claimed that the other three women had intended to go but that they had all backed out at the last moment. My boyfriend eventually begged me to go with him.Well, fuck it, I wasn’t going to stay home all by myself for a whole week just because of the other girls backing out. I was going with the boys and I was going to enjoy myself too. I liked all of my boyfriend’s friends and I always had a great time whenever we were together.I took great care to pack just my sexiest outfits. I only took bikini tops and no bras, I took only thong panties, and I took things that the boys...
Seducing Sally.- Part 3
(Opiumka5011260, 24. 8. 2021 12:26)
While Sally got her dress on I picked out one for myself, a plain red dress that merges into a pleated skirt at the bottom with thin straps over the top and a neckline that shows an inch or two of cleavage. It's one of my favourites because it's really light and the bottom dances around my thighs when I walk… and because it makes my tits look bigger! When I had put it on I gave Sally a little twirl so she could glimpse my bare bum underneath it."Mmmm, very sexy," she grinned lecherously at me. "You better find some underwear though! Are you wearing a bra?""I'll wear that red thong you like...
We talked for quite a while about where we were from. She told me she was married with two children – and that her daughter was in the dance troupe – but was too old to take part in our show. She told me that she loved her husband and her family and that when she was younger she had shagged around a lot and had always enjoyed sex in exciting places – but that things had tailed off with her husband now – and it was all a bit routine.I asked her where her most exciting sex had been – and she said she had once been in a restaurant, gone to the loo and taken her under wear off – come back and...
After a couple of drinks we all head back to the the hotel room that we have booked, stopping on the way to get more drinks in.As you pour the drinks me and her settle ourselves back on the bed and start kissing, taking our time as we know you are watching. She starts moving down my body, starting with kissing my neck, my hands on her tits, she is kneeling in between my legs by this point with her arse in the air giving you a very sexy view of her pussy. i can see you getting hard and I tellyou to come and join us on the bed. Her mouth by this time has moved down to my nipples and she is...
Bad grades
(Timwhisky6987545, 24. 8. 2021 11:57)
I can recall a specific moment in my life...I was 17 years old.It was Friday evening and like most nights, my mother and I had enjoyed eating our dinner together.My mother is a great cook.At 42 years of age, she maintains a very busy schedule.She works in the Emergency room as a nurse...for as long as I can remember, its always been her and I.Soon after I was born, my father had been killed in a vehicle accident.I have no memory of him.The only memory that is afforded to me, are the photos that my mother has of him; of us.It had always been my opinion...my mother was a very attractive...
My friend John and I have been best friends through high school.We are both in our 40s now, both married and both have children.John and I still go to the camp every few weekends.Our wives let us do so they have some relief from us.They are unaware of things John and I do at the camp.Several years ago we found out that we could have lots of fun with each other sexually.This weekend we were planning to go to the camp, his 13 year old daughter, Sue decided she wanted to go with us.She has never wanted to go before.She is a tom boy and wears baggy clothes all of the time and tries to act...
What? I ask, and a mischievious grin appears on his face. I knew very well what it WAS he wanted, I was just trying to fill the awkward silence with our old childhood inside joke. Ever since I had arrived at his house I had been horny, a fiery itch that begged to be scratched. It didnt help that I felt his errection just a while earlier when I sat on his lap while playing halo. It just made the itch ever more so aware and frequent in my thoughts.I grab his hands in mine and look into his eyes. They are dark, dark as a deep grey cloudy night sky here in arizona. Im still so confused...
Her First Time_(4)
(St3Grith1856550, 24. 8. 2021 11:32)
I admit I was curious. How did it feel? Was it better? Would I be hooked after I did it? I wasnt thinking about drugs or alcohol. I was thinking about sex with another woman.I have had my share of encounters with men. Some of them were wonderful, others were best forgotten. But never in my live had I tried it with another woman. I had talked about it with past male lovers. I had not had the interest to try and ruin a good thing by bringing another woman to bed for them. but this was for me, and I was unsure of what to do. So I decided to go to a local lesbian bar and see if I could get...
Chicago, Chicago, That Toddlin TownChapter 1Here I was, 33, single, and just recently transferred to Chicago. I was sent here to get this upstart IT company on its feet. We recently acquired it and they need me to make sure it got up and running, our way, and to make a profit. And now 3 years later, Im loving my life.Im Blake, and as I said, I am 33, single, 6, 190 lbs, with short blond hair. I generally work out at least 3 times a week, so I am in good shape. Ive been told I am good looking, and judging from the fact that I can land a date pretty easily, I guess that is...
PART 1One late night i see you at a bar. you decide to try a new bar in town that you have never been to. Inside it is dim lit. The decor is dark but classy.There are few people inside. You take a seat on a very comfortable bar stool. The bartender, a beautiful exotic women, asks what youd like to drink and if you would like a menu. You are so distracted by her beauty that you dont hear a word she says. Sir? You startle back and tell her to surprise you. she smiles and turns to mix you a drink. The smell in the air is intoxicating almost like an aphrodisiac.Your eyes lock onto the...
Joey Wasn't Just a Nice Guy...
(Guaniferous7696666, 24. 8. 2021 11:03)
Joey Wasnt Just a Nice Guy....by Larry MaloneIn the old neighborhood, years ago, the word gay was never used. and disparagingly, they werecalled queer or fags and werent accepted at all. So, in those days, they didnt exist ...except for Joey.Joey wasnt gay, he was just... a friendly nice guy.Not the sharpest tool in the shed and he barely got out of the eight grade in education but everyone liked him. Joey was the kind of guy who always had a smile for every body and would do anything for you to belong, to please you, or to make you happy, including as it turned out, giving...
Our First Night.Im a nurse and had just got a new job in a new office. Everything was going good,I liked the people and the doctors I worked with, and the work I did. Everythingwas going great in life.Im about 5 foot 8, average build, large breasts, fair skin, and brown hair just below my shoulders. I have always loved attention from attractive men. Even love a good challenge to get their attention too. I am married, and my husband is ok with me having a lover on the side.Over the next year I grew closer with one of the doctors I worked with. He was always teaching me and...
Carolyn Engel sat in the outer office of Dr. Matthews office paging through the latest weekly news magazine without really paying much attention to it, as her mind was on much more important things. Lifting her head out of the magazine, she glanced around the waiting room, trying to imagine what each of the people sitting there were seeing the doctor about. She made a quick observation that none of the other women in the room had her particular problem!!! There was one woman who had a nose that looked like a ski slope, while another looked like she had three chins instead of the usual one!!!...
Weekend at My Older Brothers_(0)
(CcpLotic1193396, 24. 8. 2021 10:37)
Muutterfuucckkeer...Thhhhhhhhaaaat hhhhhhuuurrrrrtttttttttttsss, I screamed as best as I could with Ghosts long thin fuck stick trying to enter my stomach thru my mouth. Tears were running freely down my cheeks as I choked and gagged on Ghosts 10 plus inches of uncut meat as he shoved in in and out of my throat, grabbing two fist fulls of hair on the back of my head and forceing my face into his groin. I had no idea who was forceing thier cock into my un-lubricated asshole, I just knew it fucking hurt. I love anal, but god damn guys, lube me up first!! I grabbed ahold of Ghosts nuts and...
I was enjoying the single life when l met Sylvia who had 2 daughters, Elisabeth and Stephanie, we often spent days together as Sylvia was a work acholic. I got on well with the girls, we were out one day having lunch when they asked if we could go away during the summer holidays and l remembered going camping a few times so l suggested we go camping the girls jumped at the idea, but Sylvia wasnt keen so l proposed l would take them.
Amanda did as she said she would and went to the shower...She shaved her armpits, and continued down the front of her body...she kept looking at me with lust and anticipation while she, apparently, shaved her pussy...I was blown away, and couldnt even mow a straight line if I tried....so I got fed up and went inside....On my way by to the bathroom she was in, I stopped by the kitchen to get a beer...As I approached the bathroom door, I could hear Amanda moaning...I knocked, even though I was apprehensive, and Amanda said to give her a minute...Great, now I had to wait for the girl of...
mother's away on business pt1
(ADIDASING6379611, 24. 8. 2021 10:10)
I awoke to the sound of my wife rustling around; I opened my eyes to find her packing her clothes.Ahh, Richard, your awake, help me pack please Ive got to be on the train for 9.I climbed out of bed, still in my boxers and helped Claire pack.When everything was packed I picked up her suit case and headed for the door.Wait a minute cowboy, wheres my kiss she said, holding my cowboy hat she bought me a couple of months back. I placed the cases on the floor and put my arms around her waist.KISS….I will….(KISS)…..call you….(KISS)…when I get there…..(KISS)……you cant….(KISS)….wreck the...
My boyfriend of a year Russel and I were laying on his couch. Just outside, dry, yellow hills stretched out as we were pretty far out West from the city. I didnt see him too often because after catching a train out to the nearest station, hed have to drive out to pick me up. He was a shameless alcoholic so Id have to make sure I woke up early to get there in time before he had had too many.Russel had a slim build. Just recently he had decided to shave off his shoulder length blonde hair. Surprisingly, the new look suited him but now his sunken in eyes were more prominent. Needless to say...
My Live-in Maid - Indian widows new life abroad.- 9A Child widow Live in Maid goes abroad - She getsTransformedYou read in part 8Her hand went up to her ample bosom, feeling her heart ripped into pieces as tears flowing down her cheeks and wet the pillow along with the sheet and blankets. Anu cried and cried, curled into a ball on her bed as loneliness swept through her entire being. Gently and slowly I sit on her bed and pull her into my arms again, offering her solace and companionship in her hour of need. A flash of devilish smile curled up the corner of my mouth, The ties...
Normal Morning Routine
(MarioDes, 24. 8. 2021 9:45)
Annabelle was at her normal new routine with John in the morning. Every morning she loved to play with his cock, as it made her tingle a little of pleasure down south. She gripped onto his cock in his sleep. She tugged at it lightly, as he didnt awaken from his slumber. It was still dark outside, the sun has not even peeked into the window yet. Baby, Can i lick your dick?~ She said out of desperation as to try and wake him up, tugging a little harder as she did. He still would not budge, he could sleep through an earthquake. She tugged harder, squeezing violently to try to get him up and still no movement. What is she gonna do? She was desperately horny. The evidence was all over her panties, and all over Johns leg.
Ah, good youre up, said Wimond as Aroal descended the stairs of one of the inns in Stormwind. Aroal let out a sigh. He had wanted to get up before his brother did but, as it turns out, he had failed in his quest. Seeing no way out, Aroal walked over to his brothers table and sat down. Seeing food on the table, Aroal reached out for some but his hand was slapped away by his brother.
Hey, what was that for? demanded Aroal as he shot his older brother a nasty glare.
We are not to eat yet, said the older paladin. We must fast before heading to the Cathedral of Light. Until we are done there we must only drink water.
So Shirley knew I was no puritan. (One might have asked how puritan the puritans were, LOL.) Anyway, it turns out Shirley, who was a junior and lived off campus, had been dancing at Bodies for a couple of years. Maybe I would like to work there, too, she suggested. Bodies was a few miles off campus and featured student girls and older ladies. (Bodies is not the real name of the club, so dont bother looking it up.)
I told her I had no idea what a stripper actually does. I suppose you just take off your clothes in front of a bunch of guys.
mom fucked by my friends dad
(MoonMan1249399, 24. 8. 2021 9:19)
Hi tHis is raju and tHis is tHe story ofmy mom How sHe got fucked Hard by my friends dad.my mom name is velamma sHe is a extreme Hot women sHe is 38 yrs old yet sHe is Hot sHe is a typical soutHindian lady Having size of 36-38-44 and Her boobs are big melons of size 36g and are Huge in size round and Her waist is Hot witH some curves and Her ass are Huge and it jiggles wHen sHe walks and sHe is very wHitisH in colour and Her lips are so sexy and pink in colour sHe Had very long Hair wHicH makes Her so sexy all tHe men over our area are fans of my mom tHey are all dying to fuck Her body many...
Part 2 Morning SurpriseJane had been serving in my house for a week. She had been doing great jobs in nursing my son, Reece. I appreciated her passion and her dedication towards this job. However, there was always something from her, like her shadow, had been disturbing my mind. Ever since she came here, my mind had been spinning and echoing about things that I could never ever imagine. She was a sweet girl, no doubt of that. I spent more time with her than my wife due to the different shifts committed by us. As time went by and we got closer, Jane seemed to lose her innocence look....
I went down the hall to the elevator and pressed the button, humming to himself as I waited. I had little to fear, after all. At six feet six, my tanned body rippling with muscles, my shaved head gleaming, few indeed were the men willing to challenge my right to do as I pleased. The elevator door opened and I stepped in, auto- matically noticing it was already occupied by a beautiful young woman. It was only as the doors were closing again that I noticed just how gorgeous she really was. Chris turned to look up at the elevator lights, carefully avoiding looking at me.I didnt care. I...
She's Bad!
(O0Moulin8976105, 24. 8. 2021 8:53)
Copyright 2003 FK PublicationsHer perfect ass resting upon the sofas cushion, dark-haired Jane moved the cigarette to her lips and took a puff, her knee high leather stiletto boots stretched out on the livingroom table, the hot looking jean clad lady taking it easy with some trash novel, reading away all day in her apartment. Wearing nothing but a bra under her black T-shirt, Jane continued to absorb the pages when all of a sudden her apartments buzzer rang. A frustrated expression on her attractive face, the woman placed the book to the side, removed her feet from the table, and...
(I really liked w1dmgs Adam series, and just felt it was too short and needed a little something more.So, with his permission, Ive expanded and altered the story a bit, but all the characters and a few of his best lines are directly copied to try and preserve what I thought he did best.Hope you enjoy it.)***************************************************Megan… I groaned as I ground my face into hers.Our desperate lips caressed each others as our passion built and built.I was on fire and I could tell she was the same.Her soft long dirty blonde hair fluttered at my cheeks as I...
I dont think my mother or brother heard us fucking, because I bit my lower lip to keep from screaming out with pleasure. Oh god, I loved how Daddys big cock felt inside me as it rubbed against my pussy repeatedly. He held me tight, as my first climax surged through me. We dared not stay that way only for too long, as any minute; we could get caught when mom came to the door to tell us supper was ready. I turned, batted by emerald-green eyes and whispered, Thanks Dad, youre awesome.His eyes sparkled with love, and he said, You lil minx, I do not know what we would of done if mom...
A Trip On My Own Pt. 2
(Edacious5297517, 24. 8. 2021 3:48)
Hey Everyone, Well, Part 2.I was on the wall for hours or so it seemed. It was making me sore to be there with my legs spread and I was having to pee but thought I may not be allowed. Finally the woman that had put me there came back and slapped my tits hard making me cry out. God, ready little bitch? she said with a growl in her voice. Yes Mistress, I am ready. I told her. Well, we will see, but now you have no choice. She said and put a blindfold on my face so that I could not se anything at all, it was total darkness. I heard people moving around and talking and making comment on the...
Chapter 4I was just standing there, in the shower, watching how the warm water ran down by body. I guess I was just there because I still couldnt get understand why I liked fucking men, the more I thought about it, the more confused I felt. I tilted my head back, allowing the water to hit my face gently, the warmth was soothing at first, but soon enough it began to burn so I straightened myself up and turned off the water.Are you ready for round 2? asked Martin from outside the bathroom.Sure, Ill be right out I answered as I stepped out of the shower and took my towel.I couldnt...
When I first slept with my aunt Debbie it was a sexual dream come true. It was the best sex I have ever had and the best part is knowing just how taboo it truly was. After we slept together we agreed that it was a one time thing that it mustnot happen again. As time went on I adjusted to it, I had my fantasy come true; however I got the sense that all was not complete. Soon I would have a chance to experience it again only this time in a different way.
Ashley and Jason Part 4_(1)
(Sedef6470571, 24. 8. 2021 2:43)
As Jason walked into Ashleys Jason saw Ashley sitting on her bed looking at her phone. Jason felt nervous due to him getting a text indicating Ashley was angry at him. A-am i in trouble? Jason asked nervously. Ashley pointed to the other bed indicating he sit down. Ashley let out a sigh and turned over and glared at him. do you know WHY I called you in here? Ashley said as she stood up and put her hands on her hips. Jason shook his head no not having a clue on why shes mad. Look at this Ashley said as she handed him his report card. Jason looked down at his legs trying not to make eye...
There is a knock on the door, and I know it is you. I grab the remote, get up and go to the door, positioning myself behind it as I open it. I hear your intake of breath as you see the twenty five roses on the coffee table. They are in a lillet lead crystal vase, the best they had, but not exactly what I would have gotten had I had more time. Nevertheless, its better than nothing. I grab you as you step in the room,turning to kiss me.Hello, sweetness. I hope you are ready to getthe ride of your life.I am indeed, you reply, rubbing my crotch.Thats good, darling, because Ive...
Andromeda IThe phone jangled unceremoniously as dawns glow enveloped the flickering remains of the star studded heavens.It was Uncle Harvey, and he needed someone to watch over his remote acreage while he was in the hospital.Harvey was older than history, refusing to succumb to the trials of life and the advancements of modern technology, spending the greater part of his day wandering through his heavily wooded property to feed a flock of chickens and a few head of cattle that free ranged there. His home was an old Airstream with tarps thrown over the top and a small pump house nearby...
Soul Man
(Podoscaph8133992, 24. 8. 2021 1:38)
Soul LoveHey Alice! Heather, the new editor shouted across the office, You like that singer… Hank Brooklyn, dont you?I looked up from my PC smiled and nodded in her direction.You can have this if you want, she continued shouting, Its just come in the post. Heather was waving a CD and what looked like a T-Shirt in the air for me and everyone else to see. I saved my article on a new gardening centre and walked to the other end of the local newspaper office that I worked in.Coffee? she asked as she handed me the CD. Please, I mumbled as I checked the track listing. It was...
It was the eighth love letter Id received that week...for what seems like no apparent reason, an anonymous person has continued to shove letters upon letters in my mailbox.They seemed to have been placed there personally, as the envelope was only blank.It smelled highly of a cologne that stripped the soberness of your senses.The sender labeled himself as an admirer, and if I needed to refer to him by a certain title, to simply call him D.His writing was masculine, calligraphic, intriguing.Even while the handwriting spelt out blood chilling threats, I couldnt say I didnt have an interest...
It all started about 11 years ago. I was about 26 years old and I was seeing this woman that was 23. We are both Caucasian, but she was living with her parents in a predominantly Hispanic neighborhood. But shes not who this story is about. Living across the street from the was a Mexican family. The parents were in their late 40s and moved here from Mexico. They had 3 daughters who were all born here in the United States. The oldest was already married and had a child by this time. And absolutely gorgeous too. The middle girl had just finished high school and was going to a local community...
(EarnestAgism, 24. 8. 2021 0:34)
What was that noise, Brenda whispered to Morgan after poking her best friend in the ribs to wake her up!?! W-what time is it, Morgan asked sleepily, I dont hear anything, go back to sleep!!! Wake up, girl, Brenda implored once again, Im not sure but it sounded like someone might be in trouble!!! Morgan rolled over onto her side, and after wiping the sleep out of her eyes commented, Are you sure you werent dreaming, remember last summer when you thought there was a man with a gun hiding in your garage!?! Okay, okay, Brenda replied urgently, so I was wrong once, that doesnt mean I didnt hear what I heard tonight does it!?
Sorry for the delay in getting this chapter to my readers on here, Mother Nature has been sending snowstorm after snowstorm here, which has been keeping us all busy on our ranch as well as we were busy with the holidays. I will include a paragraph from chapter 9 to help set up chapter 10.
There is not much any one of us do that does not bring hurt to someone or at least to ourselves, Sam replied as he came to me.
God Damn It Karen! I am so fucking tired of this shit! He screamed at me again. Why every time I go anywhere on business…… no, anywhere, do I have to deal with this shit when I come home?!Just tell me what you did while you were there! I screamed back at him.I told you. We worked. He said.I dont give a fuck about that! I want to know what you did when you were not working. I said knowing he knew what I wanted to hear. I dont know Karen. I worked, I ate, and I went to Fucking sleep! He screamed at me with his hands in his hair. He was so close I could feel his breath as he...
Jessica - Chapter 8
(DonaldSal, 23. 8. 2021 23:29)
Maybe we should all have a pill. Angus said observing Jessica with a calmness he didnt feel.She was terrified.Absolutely terrified.
Maybe. Jessica agreed.Sean and the others. She began when silence had dragged on for too long, Should leave.I know its not fair to you … it decreases our odds of fighting Earl, but Earl will follow the boys.If Sean and everyone else go back home now Earl will never even know to look for them.She looked around at the men as the suggestion sank in, There would be less of us to protect the boys though.I dont know whats better.
It was almost Noon, when Jason; or as he was now called, Kitten; roused from sleep. He thought about why he was in this small appartment room...Oh yea... haha... my Challenge... he laughed. As he laughed quietly to himself, he felt a head laying upon his chest, and silky strands of hair strewn about his chest. He looked down and saw Mistress Vs Raven hair and her nice body half covered by the sheets. Hrrmmm... she sighed in her sleep. He got up, quietly, and covered her in the sheets.
I finally dozed off thinking about what had happened today.This was not so bad actually I was thinking.I loved children and taking care of them.I also was a sexual submissive and did not have anyone in my life at this time.Okay I was crazy thinking this way but hey we have to make a living.
I must have dozed when suddenly I am told to turn over and get the ass in the air.I do so with elbows on bed and ass in the air.He lines up and lubricates the hole as he suddenly spreads the cheeks for his entrance.
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Terrible life
(SolomonREUND, 24. 8. 2021 14:37)