♥Krmení koní♥
Váš kůň nebo pony, kterého vlastníte nebo se o něj staráte, potřebuje každý den přísun energie v podobě krmení.Ustájení koně a ponyové potřebují krmení alespoň 3x denně. Největší dávku by měli dostávat jako poslední. Koně mají rádi pravidelnost, proto se snažte svého koně či ponyho krmit pokaždé přibližně ve stejný čas. Samozřejmě každý kůň a pony má rád nějaké jiné krmení, proto vám nemůžu napsat, že zrovna nějaký druh krmení všem koním chutná. Prostě každý kůň nebo pony má jiný jazýček a potrpí si na jiné krmení.
-Koně potřebují asi 1 - 1,1 kg potravy na 45 kg váhy, zatímco ponyové jen asi 0,6 - 1 kg na 45 kg váhy.
-Pro většinu ponyů by poměr krmiva měl tvořit 30% koncentrovaného a 70% objemového krmiva.
-Koně krmte v menších dávkách a častěji. Kůň potom nebude tloustnout, ale vyběhá to.
-Nemůžete po čerstvě nakrmeném koni chtít nějakou těžkou práci. Měli byste ho nechat asi dvě hodiny vytrávit, potom ho můžete bez obav vzít ven.
-Také nesmíte zapomínat na pitný režim. Musíte koni a ponymu zajistit neustálý přísun pitné vody.
-Nenechávejte koně nebo ponyho více než 8 hodin bez krmiva.
Běžnou formu objemného krmení je seno, což je usušená tráva. Existují dva druhy sena: seté seno a luční seno.
Seté seno je vhodné pro těžce pracující koně, protože je výživnější než luční seno. Vzniká sušením trav speciálně vysévaných každý rok, které obsahují rostliny jako je jílek vytrvalý a bojínek luční.
Luční seno se vyrábí z běžného porostu pastvin a je na dotek měkčí a zelenější než seno seté. Obsahuje rostliny různorodé a většinou méně výživné. Toto seno je vhodné pro koně, které vykonávají lehčí práci.
Novější typ objemového krmiva je ve formě silážního sena, což je seno neprodyšně uzavřené v plastikových pytlích. Hodí se zvláště pro koně s dýchacími problémy.
Silážní seno se může míchat se senem normálním, nebo zcela nahradit objemové krmivo.
Řezanka je seno buďto samotné, nebo smíchané s 1/3 ovesné slámy a rozřezané na malé kousky pomocí řezačky. Přidává se do krmení, aby se podpořilo žvýkání, a tím i trávení.
Krmiva jako oves nebo ječmen se nazývají koncentráty. Jsou to energeticky bohatá krmiva.
Oves byl vždy považován za ideální obilninu pro koně. Jediná nevýhoda ovsa je nízký poměr mezi obsahem vápníku a fosforu, a proto musí být krmivo doplněno vápníkem, aby se vyvážil obsah minerálů. Oves je však také velmi energetický. Oves byste měli nejdříve mírně namačkat a pak během dvou tří týdnů spotřebovat.
Ječmen má vyšší energetickou hodnotu než oves, ale menší obsah vlákniny. Podává se mačkaný, ve formě vloček (tepelně upravený) nebo rozemletý na malé částečky (šrot). Celý ječmen byste neměli podávat, protože v tomto stavu je pro koně velmi špatně stravitelný. Měli byste ječmen namočit do horké vody, dokud zrno nerozpukne, nezměkne a nenabobtná.
Kukuřice má vysoký obsah škrobu, ale nízký obsah bílkovin a vlákniny. Většinou se podává ve formě vloček nebo drobných částic. Může být velmi výživná a krmí se jen v malých dávkách.
Otruby, vedlejší produkt při zpracování pšenice, obsahuje velké množství vlákniny a často se podává koním, kteří drží dietu s nízkým obsahem bílkovin nebo nepracují.
Lněné semínko je bohaté na tuky a často se podává ke zlepšení kvality srsti. Jestliže ho nejprve neuvaříme, je jedovaté (obsahuje kyselinu kyanovodíkovou). Přidává se v podobě rosolu do běžného krmiva nebo otrubové kaše.
Cukrová řepa je dobře stravitelný zdroj energie a vlákniny. Má vhodný poměr mezi vápníkem a fosforem a používá se ke zlepšení nerovnováhy těchto prvků v obilninách. Dřeň cukrové řepy se prodává v kostkách nebo nakrouhaná. Před krmením jí musíte namočit na 12 hodin do vody. Pokud dřeň namočíte nedostatečně, v koňském žaludku nabobtná s možnými fatálními důsledku.
Melasa je vedlejší produkt při výrobě cukru. Je tmavá a lepkavá a velmi chutná. Do krmení se přidává pro zvýšení energetické hodnoty, zlepšení kvality krmiva nebo k nalákání špatného jedlíka.
Koncentráty, které se dodávají po kostkách nebo hrubé směsi, jsou známy jako složené krmiva. Připravují se z celé řady součástí a představují vědecky podloženou vyváženou stravu. Jsou dodávány zvláště pro hříbata, březí klisny a závodní koně. Zvláště se hodí pro začátečníky, protože kvalitní složená krmiva usnadňují z velké části starosti s krmením.
Granule jsou drobné tabletky sušeného krmiva. Poskytují dostatek minerálů a vitamínů, které často v obilninách a píci chybějí.
Hrubá směs obsahuje obilniny a granule se směsí vitamínů a minerálů. Obilniny jsou předvařené, což je činí stravitelnějšími.
Vitamíny a minerály jsou nezbytné pro růst a zdravý vývoj koně. Některé z nich zajišťují kvalitní pastva a sluneční světlo, jiné si tělo samo vytváří.
Líz, zavěšený na stěně stáje, poskytuje některé vitamíny a minerály, které v koňské potravě scházejí.
Přehled komentářů
Jane's Flat, She was standing there waiting for me with her mobile in her hand. It took me about an hour to cover that small distance.I pleaded with another excuse that my parents are here and I have told them that I have met you and they have sent me to invite you personally to visit them for meeting them tomorrow morning. Ms. Jane scolded me for being a voyeur. I again pleaded that I went there to check if you were still awake or have retired. I never wanted to disturb them in case you have retired for the day.I fell on my knees and said 'Ms. Jane, I love Ms. Lucy very much and will do...
My Lovely Virgin Venus Lucy Pt. 02
(ffdyr4880784, 21. 9. 2021 15:40)
Jane's Flat, She was standing there waiting for me with her mobile in her hand. It took me about an hour to cover that small distance.I pleaded with another excuse that my parents are here and I have told them that I have met you and they have sent me to invite you personally to visit them for meeting them tomorrow morning. Ms. Jane scolded me for being a voyeur. I again pleaded that I went there to check if you were still awake or have retired. I never wanted to disturb them in case you have retired for the day.I fell on my knees and said 'Ms. Jane, I love Ms. Lucy very much and will do...
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too me its perfect.it all started one day while i thought my wife was at work .i found myself at my wifes underwear drawer looking for a few good pairs . I settled on the bed naked and i started to wrap the panties around my cock. you see i don't know why but i get off on wonens underwear. so i have about four pairs wrapped around my pulsing member when i hear my wife whisper in my ear " cumpanty boy cum in my lacy panties , shoot that cum sweetie all over my panties." i was shocked as you can imagine and i franticly opened my eyes searching for my wife and i saw 3 other women...
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(pieptoma, 21. 9. 2021 7:10)
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Threesome pt 1_(1)
(neotectonics8701871, 21. 9. 2021 5:25)
It all started on a Thursday night bowling league. I met Amber and Jen while we were starting a new season.We hit if off right away. We began to bowl and Amber and Jen were on the opposing team. We would high five one another in a friendly gesture of sportsmanship.As the weeks went by, the three of us would greet with a quick hug while passing by. During mid season, we hugged a little more and a little tighter. By the end of the year they would both rub those perfect tits in my chest and kiss me on the cheek. I would get an instant hard on.The two girls did not bowl the summer...
late night workout
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I'm Korean but I was adopted by a wonderful white family when I was two. I never knew my parents. From what i've been told, they died in a car accident when we first came to America. I wouldn't have it any other way, they're the only family I know and I love them. I look like your typical asian kid, I've been told I'm very good looking. I have very feminine features when itcomes to body type and other physical features. The most noticable to me is probably my girly butt. I've caught a lot of men staring at my ass ever since I was twelve. Being only 5'6", I wouldn't think I would...
late night workout
(potpourri5242650, 21. 9. 2021 1:39)
I'm Korean but I was adopted by a wonderful white family when I was two. I never knew my parents. From what i've been told, they died in a car accident when we first came to America. I wouldn't have it any other way, they're the only family I know and I love them. I look like your typical asian kid, I've been told I'm very good looking. I have very feminine features when itcomes to body type and other physical features. The most noticable to me is probably my girly butt. I've caught a lot of men staring at my ass ever since I was twelve. Being only 5'6", I wouldn't think I would...
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I spread my legs and put one foot on top of the bar that went across the front of the desk. It was at least a good foot above the floor so my legs were spread pretty wide. I didn’t care. All I cared about was getting nailed hard to find relief for my aching, throbbing, wet pussy.. I moved my thong to the side of my pussy and begin stroking my clit with my finger. I flicked it back and forth and circled it with the tip of my finger, making my body tremble with the need to cum. I pinched and pulled at it. My pussy was really wet, I felt my juices seeping out again. I stuck my finger inside my...
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You’ve been sat in moping too long since your marriage break up. Look, there’s a band on down the road, let’s go and have a few drinks and take your mind off things"Paul was a good friend Paul and always looking out for me. He was right, I had been feeling sad and lonely for too long but I was 45 years old and had been married since I was 22. It felt like there was nothing to go out for. I had no chance of meeting someone else at my age."OK, just for a couple of hours then" I said.We went down to the local pub and were having a few drinks and catching up. Then the band came on and...
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I mouthed, "Thank you."For two days, my mom and I stayed with my dad. Chris remained by my side—in a real chair he'd somehow convinced the nurse to relinquish as we'd been told they were precious items with only two to a room—when he wasn't getting us food or coffee or something to read. I grew accustomed to using his shoulder and chest as a pillow. It didn't hurt that he smelled really nice, or that he lightly caressed my arm or back, helping me drift off.Every time I started to question his presence...his desire to help out a stranger—which I still considered him to be—he'd gently shush...
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She pushed back and my cock slid inside her pussy and as I stood still for a minute, I motioned slightly with my head to the camera just down the trail from us. The parks were monitored but we were far enough away that no facial recognition would be able to identify us. Aikira turned her head and said fuck me baby, fuck me hard. It wasn't fully out of her mouth when I began plowing in and out of her. It was like we were one mind, blistering hot public sex in front of a camera. Aikira screamed Fuck and I felt her juices run down her legs. I slammed my cock as hard as I could in and out of her...
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My girlfriend apologized for her itchy vagina being treated for a yeast infection, by doing her best to satisfy me with a few blowjobs every now and then. A few nights ago she danced around in a sexy night gown to really turn me on, played some tonsil hockey with me, then had me jerk off on her tits. All that was great, even if she did wipe it all away right afterwards, but it just couldn't wait to get my cock back in her pussy where it belonged. Then yesterday we had some fun by joining me in the shower, and was really sexy with the water going down her hair as she bobbed on my man-meat...
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(rhenus3693306, 20. 9. 2021 13:07)
She is really cute. So thin, so blonde. With her athletic body and two little tits, always going around the house wearing just a thong. I am a 36 years old woman, and first days I didn’t like this 22 years old waitress, but I need to share my flat bills! She moved here a week ago and this morning she is so happy cause it’s Sunday and she doesn’t work. However, she woke up early as always. I guess she likes I keep on watching her cause it seems she bend on purpose too often, pretending doing something around the house and showing me her cute tonic bottom with the pink string sank inside! I...
Sissy Story Chapter 02
(algem4007387, 20. 9. 2021 11:02)
God I was cute. There was no use denying it.The device came the next day and Mom gave it to me without comment. I took it up to my new room and tried it on. It was very uncomfortable. I decided I couldn’t wear it even to the beauty shop. I put it up on my closet shelf where I could see it from the bed and it, honestly, triggered an erection every time I noticed it for a while. I took the instructions that came with it to the bed and read them. There were all sorts of information about hygiene and adjusting it, which looked a little more promising. But, all in all, it looked pretty...
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My Lovely Virgin Venus Lucy Pt. 02
(ffdyr4880784, 21. 9. 2021 17:31)